Friday, November 13, 2009

What I'm Up To...

Let's be honest, I really don't have time to wait for Mom to take pictures or videos of me anymore. I'm far to busy for that. That's why Mom has decided to post a little list of all the things I can do now (since my 2nd birthday), since she can't catch me in action with the video camera anymore. So here you go:

I can...

-count to 20 in English (sometimes skipping 14)
-count to 10 in Russian
-count to 3 in Spanish and German
-identify all my letters
-identify some numbers between 1 and 10
-know all my colors
-know left and right
-spell my name (speaking, not writing)
-spell "boots" (thanks to Laurie Berkner)
-sleep in a big boy bed
-drink from a regular cup
-wash my hands by myself (pull the stool to the sink, turn on the water, soap up, rinse, dry and move the stool back)
-get undressed by myself
-dress myself (with a little help)
-get in my carseat by myself
-drop kick a football
-get my own cup of water
-make my own PB&J
-peddle my tricycle by myself
-sit at the table without a booster seat
-make Dad's coffee in the morning (I scoop the beans into the grinder, grind them, then pour them into the coffee maker. Mom or Dad helps measure the water and pour it into the coffee maker. Then I turn it on)

That's all we can think of for now, but we'll post more soon!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Original or Crispy?

Scene: Playing with the telephone yesterday. Picks up the phone and pretends to dial.

Poki: Hello, Fire Department? This is an emergency! We need to rescue Mommy! She is engulfed in flames! Crispy flames! The flames are very crispy!

Mom: Wait--did you say "crispy"?

Poki: (With an undeniably annoyed and impatient tone in his voice) Yes, crispy. The flames are very crispy.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Move Over Steve Perry! Here Comes Poki!

People don't usually believe me when I tell them my favorite band is Journey. Well--here is the proof. Some kids beg to watch movies when they get in the car...I beg for "Wheel in the Sky" or "Don't Stop Believing." I sing both of those songs all the time, but when they're actually playing, I just listen and smile...and jam out.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

How To Make The Perfect Sandwich

Tonight, playing after dinner. Daddy and Poki are pretending to take a toy moose to school in the school bus. Poki says he is the teacher of moose school.

Daddy: What are you going to teach the moose, Poki?

Poki: I'm going to teach them how to make a sandwich.

Daddy: Oh, that's a good thing to know. How do you make a sandwich?

Poki: First you take the bread and put it together like this. (Claps hands). Then you open it up like this. (Opens hands). And then you go, "La la la la la la la!" (Dances from side to side with jazz hands).

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Letter To Santa

Well, the holiday toy catalogs have arrived so Mom and I sat down this morning and started my letter to Santa. If anyone is interested in the things I am asking for, I've added them to my Amazon Wish List (to which you can find a link to just to the right).

Now Mom is shopping for an "elf on the shelf"...whatever that is.

Monday, November 2, 2009


This year's Halloween lasted about 2 weeks and we could not have had more fun!

It all began with my and Scarlett's second anniversary celebration at "Boo at the Zoo." (More about that later!)

Then this Friday, we started off the day with a trick-or-treat seminar at playgroup. Okay, it wasn't so much a seminar as if was a practice round where the parents sat in chairs around the room and handed out healthy treats to all the kids who came over to them and said "trick or treat!" It was super fun.

Then Friday afternoon, we finally carved jack-o-lanterns! We each had our own this year--which is a good thing because Mom and Dad have begun an intense competition and they need their own pumpkins. The new thing about this year is that I had my own too! Even Leroy had his own!

Here are Mom and Dad's all lit up! Mom says they modeled them after each other.

This is Mom's

And this is Dad's

And this is mine! (Mom says I can help carve one next year, but I did help scoop the goop out of the bigger pumpkins this year).

And here is Leroy's! He's a really good artist--especially considering he has no thumbs.

After pumpkin carving, we went to East Rock park for an outdoor movie! First, there was a parade starring the kids in costume, then we cuddled up and watched "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" on the big screen. It was so much fun! We brought dinner and Dad even brought a thermos of hot chocolate to help keep us toasty. Unfortunately, it was very, very dark so Mom couldn't really get many pictures.

Here's a picture of all the kids in costume swarming around Ruby's dad, who was leading me and Ruby to the parade starting point.

And here is a cute shot of my dragon paws while I'm enjoying my picnic supper.

The next morning, we went to a touch-a-truck fundraiser. Mom will post pictures from that later!

Then, that night, we went...drumroll...trick or treating!!!!!

The gang: Scarlett the princess girl, Holden the bat, and Poki the dragon!

The dragon in action...

We met up with my friends Jessie (the princess) and Martha (the cowgirl) too. Here we all our heading up to a house.

After a bit more than an hour, I was exhausted. Dad had to give me a ride home.

But that exhaustion didn't last for long! After trick-or-treating, we had a pizza party at our house! Scarlett, Holden, Ruby, Lyla, Jessie and Martha (and their parents) all came over for pizza...and for the older non-pregnant folks, beer...and for the much younger folks, candy! In fact, at one point, the younger crowd all hid behind the rocking chair in my room and got into Jessie's candy stash. No one knows exactly how much we ate, but when Mom looked behind the chair later, it looked like a gang of mice had gotten loose in a candy store. There were candy bits, lollipop sticks and wrappers everywhere. I pretty much had the time of my life.

I can't wait for next year!!!