Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Catching Up...

Ugh. It's been ages. We know. We're sorry.

So here's the deal, Ping Pong is doing stuff. Like alot of stuff. He turned 4 months on Saturday, and in honor of the fantastic birthday (it's Mom and Granny's favorite baby age. Mom's really excited about it!) Ping Pong spent last week working on some new tricks.

First of all, he's rolling over. I know! Seriously! That's huge, right? Check it out:

He can actually roll all the way over (like a barrel roll), but Mom has yet to catch that on camera. You may have noticed the unfortunate sound Ping Pong was making in the beginning of that last video. Yeah...that's his new noise. It's not anywhere near terrific.

When I was a baby, Mom said my baby squeals sounded like a baby pterodactyl. She says Ping Pong's baby squeals sound like a pterodactyl on fire. See exhibit A:

and exhibit B:

and in case your ear drums are still functioning...exhibit C:

I mean, come on. We thought his screeching cry was bad. As Dad said, "How can his happy noise be so much worse than his angry noise?!" Oh well, he had to have one imperfection, I guess.

The good news is he is really beginning to seem human to me now. I'm actually having alot of fun holding his hand and making him laugh and smile. I even help muffle his "happy noise" by putting his pacifier in his mouth. (Now I know why it's called a pacifier).


Cheeky Baby said...

Raleigh's been busy! He's like a real baby now! (When did that happen?! Sigh.) And I love that you guys call his pacifier a "sucker." We call it a Nuk. Both of those are so much better than "Binky."