Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Some News!

I have to admit that one of the reasons I wanted to get this blog up and running again is because I feel we owe it to our third child to broadcast every detail of his or her early life over the internet. It's nothing short of a basic parental responsibility.

And in case you missed what I just barely glossed over...we're expecting again!

Rocka Baby is due to arrive on New Years Day! Rocka Baby is the name Ping Pong has given our latest family member. We think he was inspired by the classic lullaby "Rock-a-bye Baby." Poki thoroughly approves of the name because there is a Lego Hero Factory guy named Rocka. So there you go!

FYI: As excited as we are to meet our newest little guy or girl, we're going to do our best to wait to find out if s/he is, in fact, a guy or girl until Rocka Baby's grand entrance! Let's see if that actually happens. :)

Yay for babies!


erinn conn said...

I strongly recommend waiting to be surprised by the baby's gender. We waited with Max and it was an amazing experience. I briefly thought that with our next child we will find out and then I thought about it and remembered how awesome it was in that moment of birth when everything is so scary and exciting to have someone yell out, "It's a girl" and you find out in that moment. It's beautiful. I want to cry when I think about the suspense in the room when I was "giving birth". I heard the doctor say, "Jeremy you have to look when I tell you to because you are going to announce the gender" Jeremy was so nervous and when the doctors pulled Max out they shoved his genitals right close to Jeremy's face so that he wouldn't see anything else (it was a c-section) and Jeremy stuttered and then teared up and screamed, "IT'S A BOY!!!! It's a boy." And I cried tears of joy. So, do it... stick it out. Be surprised. You won't regret it. xox

erinn conn said...

Oh, and congratulations. I can only imagine how adorable and yummy this next one is going to be. I can't wait to come eat all your children. :)