Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Drumroll Please...

I've reached a decision. After months of my mom calling my little brother or sister "the baby in the belly," I've decided to take matters into my own hands and have given this fetus a proper adorable name. So, my pint sized sibling, I christen thee...

Ping Pong!

Yep, that's right. I've named the poor thing Ping Pong. My mom has been asking me what we should name the kid forever. Then a few weeks ago, I said "Ping Pong Baby." She thought I was kidding, but every time she's asked since, I've said the same thing. So Ping Pong it is. Hey, anything is better than The Baby in the Belly, right? And this kid deserves a blog worthy Pokolodi or Poki, for example.

By the way, check back in next Friday, Oct. 9th to find out if Ping Pong is a boy or a girl--that's right folks! Things are sure happening alot sooner this time around!


Anonymous said...

Genius, Poki! Poki and Ping Pong have a blog! That's as good as Toot and Puddle.

Cheeky Baby said...

Just please don't shorten it to "Pong." I would never think of anything but that old school video game. And come on...Ping Pong will be more advanced than that.

Solaris Law Group, P.A. said...

I like Ping Pong Baby, and besides, ping pongs are bouncy and wasn't Carson previously concerned about the baby sticking? I vaguely recal, "there is a baby stuck on my finger".

Fleur said...

The names sound perfect together, which will be important when you have to update the blog name!!