Friday, February 25, 2011

A Milestone of Sorts

Poki woke up this morning and told us he'd had "the most scariest dream ever." The amazing thing is that he actually remembered all of it--every detail. The poor kid. It really does sound awful, but also extremely creative. I just love this kid's mind. This is what he told me:

I dreamed that Mommy and I were sleeping in beds at the Air and Space Museum. Raleigh and Daddy were at home and we were at the Air and Space Museum. We woke up from sleeping and wanted to watch a TV show, so we left the room and went to find the TV. We couldn't find it anywhere and we walked all over the Air and Space Museum looking for the TV. Then we got lost from each other. It was really scary because I couldn't find Mommy and she couldn't find me. I was really sad and she was really sad. Then I found some goggles. When I put on the goggles, I could see Mommy. She was wearing a helmet. When she was wearing the helmet she could see me. So we wore the goggles and helmet and found each other. Then we went to the beds again and the TV was right there in the bedroom.


Penelope said...

The fear of losing Mommy is a good one. Maybe you won't have to go through the same "code red" that I went through at Target when Penelope was about the same age...