Monday, May 21, 2007

The Name Game

Hi, everybody. Poki here.
So, if you haven't noticed by now, I don't exactly have a name. I mean, everyone calls me Pokolodi or Poki, but that's not going to be my real name. The truth is, my parents can't decide what to name me--but some people have offered suggestions. My cousin Sam thinks my name is Luke Skywalker. A few people said my name should be Cash, because my mom listens to alot of Johnny Cash. Granny likes simple names like Mark and Bill. What do you guys think? If you have an idea for a name, leave me a comment.


Unknown said...

I think Josha is a wonderful name, really catchy.

Unknown said...

In 1972 (pre-Star Wars) my father thought I should name my first son (who was eventually Nathaniel) something unique and suggested Gah-4-Plik. I didn't use that name, so you're welcome to it. : )

When my son Josiah was three, he said his sons would be called Buck and Suck. Since he has no children, he might let you use one of the names. : )

If I were naming Poki, I'd be torn between Benjamin, Miles, and Gabriel. ~L

junie said...

you could always go with my old favorite: ross, which goes rather nicely with cash and end up with little mr. ross cash mckee.