Thursday, June 14, 2007

Poki's Stats and More

So, I guess you can tell by now that I have been born. The world is pretty cool, but I'm not going to lie, I'm still adjusting. I'm home now from the hospital so I thought I would let you guys know a more little about myself to go along with the pictures my dad put up--and don't worry, he's going to put up more soon. If I do say so myself, I get cuter every day.

So my name is Carson Atticus (named after my great grandfather and some guy from a book) and I was born on June 11th at 1:11 am. I weighed 8 lbs 8 oz when I was born. (Can you tell that I like double digits?) Oh, and I was 20 1/2 inches long--23 1/2 when I point my toes (I have some seriously big feet).

What else?...My likes and dislikes... The standard stuff: I like boobs and dislike dirty diapers. And I love to snuggle. In fact, if anyone if checking out the time of this post, I like to snuggle so much that tonight I decided to only stay calm and sleep if my mom held me. It's my first night home and my mom's first all-nighter. It's cool though--Babushka and Dad will keep me company while she sleeps tomorrow.

So that's about all. I'm no longer a fetus, but I am still a lady killer. Even more so now, actually. I mean, I did get my mom to stay up with me all night, didn't I?


putnick said...

Dear Val, Andrei and Carson,
Welcome Carson! We are so excited about your arrival, so excited! Carson, you have such a wonderful name--and we love that your parents chose such a wonderful middle name for you--we think pretty highly of Mr. Finch as well...anyway, please keep us posted...we love the photos.
All of our love,
Lilli, Drew and Jacob

Unknown said...

Wow, baby's first website. Boy I feel behind the times. Only just born and already a computer expert. We will expect great things from you Carson!

Unknown said...

Dear Carson,
We are so glad you are here and healthy. I didn't realize how Atticus fit in until your Granddaddy Tom enlightened me. How wonderful to be named after such great role models. You have big shoes to fill, but evidently you have a good start. Love, Granny Kem. P.S. Great job Val and Happpy Father's Day to Andrei

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I know you are busy with your snuggling and boobs and other interests, but if you could take a little time to update your profile I would find myself a lot less confused. You say you're a lady-killer and you say you're not a fetus, yet you still claim to be a lady-killer fetus. This just won't do. Oh, and I want those records back that I loaned you in March. You can't just keep them forever.