Thursday, December 11, 2008

18 Months...A Post By Poki's Mom

One minute old...

One day old...

One week old...

18 months old...

I can't believe my little bubba is already a year and a half old. I can remember watching the time crawl during his first 6 months, but really feeling like it was flying. I had no idea. The cliches are true...It seems like yesterday that he was born, but I can barely remember my life without him.

Scarlett's mom's post for Scarlett's 18 month birthday inspired me to list some fo the things Poki is doing these days.

I've lost track of how many words he says, but I know it's more than 150, believe it or not. He knows all his body parts, pretty much every animal and the noise it makes, and the names of the people he loves...and the trucks he loves. Some of my favorite words or phrases that he says are Love you, ketchup, jammies, back hoe, dump truck, laundry, and Okey Dokey! Poki's favorite things in life are his friends and family, trucks, milk, every fruit in existence, every book in existence (and saying "the end" when he's finished reading), the news, singing and dancing (usually at the same time), Meri (his lamb)and his blanket. He's gotten really good at eating with a fork, going up and down stairs, and uses his potty almost every day. Poki has recently started going into "time out" and will even put himself in time out when he knows he is doing something wrong. We're working on colors now and whenever I point out something orange, he squeals in delight and tries to eat it. (I told you the kid likes his fruit). He loves to wash his hands and brush his teeth. He also thinks it's very funny to smell his feet and exclaim "P.U.!"...maybe because I crack up every time. When he goes to bed at night, he yells "love you!" to us even after we leave the room.

I wish I could let you all into our life for a day so you can see just how much he changes from day to day. This blog is the best I can do, but it couldn't possibly paint an accurate picture. There is just to much to show and tell. I'm blown away every single day.

I love you, Poki. Happy half birthday!


Cheeky Baby said...

"A very merry half birthday to you"
Happy 1/2 birthday, Poki. "Love you!" Lauren and Scarlett

Fleur said...

This is soooo sweet. You must have gotten misty writing it as I did while reading it!!

Holly said...

Oh, how sweet! Where does all the time go????