Friday, January 23, 2009

What's The Hold Up??

That must be what is on the minds of all my readers! Well, here's the all know that my mom got a fancy new camera for Christmas, right? Well, it's too fancy for her. She has tons and tons of videos that she can't get to upload to Youtube and/or Blogger. I can hear the boos now--I know! She has videos from the first time I played in the snow, videos from Obama's inauguration, and much, much more! We're working to correct this glitch, but in the meantime, here is a little list of some of the conversations I've had with my mom this week.

Scene: Earlier this week, while eating breakfast.

Mom: Poki, would you like for Aunt Shvia to come visit us?

Poki (eyes gleaming): Shvia! Shvia!

Poki looks down, a wide smile spreads across his face, then whispers: Presents...


Scene: Today, while playing with my train table.

Poki: Mommy? Tunnel!

Mom: Oh--would you like for me to fix the tunnel for your trains?

Mom puts the tunnel over the tracks.

Mom: There you go! All fixed! Now...what do you say?

Poki: Good job!


Scene: Tonight, saying prayers before bed.

Mom: Who do we want to ask God to bless? Who do we love?

Poki: Babi...

Mom: Um hmm...who else?

Poki: Boompa...Shvia...Bashka...Ginny... Dodaddy...(The usual list goes on and on and on).

Mom: And what about your friends?

Poki: Scarlett...

Mom: Um hmmm...who else?

Poki: Ernie...

Mom: Ernie? Who's Ernie?

Poki: Ernie...Bert...

Mom: Sigh...


Scene: Thursday night, walking through the Walmart parking lot.

Poki: Obama! Obama!

Mom: Where? Where is Obama?

Poki: Right there! (pointing to the American flag on the flagpole at McDonald's)

What can I say? I'm my mama's boy.


Cheeky Baby said...

I won't tell Scarlett that Carson is including Bert in his prayers. I don't think she'd ever speak to Carson again if she knew.