Saturday, May 16, 2009

Fireman Poki

We live a couple of blocks away from a fire station, and sometimes we see the local firemen getting their lunches at our corner market. Well, this Friday, we ran into them again and they noticed my fire engine t-shirt. Mom told them about my not-so-minor obsession and about how I slide down the floor lamp in our living room like it's a fireman's pole. They thought that was hilarious--and guess what happened next? They invited me to come to the fire station for a private tour!

When we went home, Mom told me that if I took a really good nap, when I woke up, we could go to the fire station. Well, I was so excited that it took me a long time to fall asleep. I kept talking about everything I was going to see on my tour. Then, when I finally did fall asleep, it didn't last long. I woke up after minutes. Mom came in and snuggled with me for a minute, then asked if I was ready to get back in my crib. I said no. Then she asked if I wanted to snuggle with her for a little longer. I said no. After a moment of silence, I looked up and her and said, "I want to go to the fire station." Mom explained that the firemen were out fighting fires until the afternoon so I should nap a little longer and then we could go. I agreed. And when I woke up, we were off!

When we got there, they gave me a hat and a badge and immediately showed me the real pole. I couldn't believe it when Fireman Jeff told me I could slide down it. Just look at that look of total awe on my face.

Then, weeeee! Totally better than that lame floor lamp! And they all agreed that I am a natural.

Here we are: Mom and Fireman Poki.

We LOVE the New Haven Fire Department! You guys ROCK!


Cheeky Baby said...

Oh man what a lucky duck Carson is. He must have been in sheer heaven! And I was glad to hear that you told him that the firemen were fighting fires at that current moment - I use the same basic principle, but tell Scarlett people are sleeping. She must think the world sleeps a lot. I mean a lot.

Fleur said...

WOW! Yes, Carson looks awestruck. And as Lauren said, as if he's in sheer heaven. What luck you had running into them! Has he asked to go back yet today? How many times?