Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

This morning, Daddy and I woke Mom up to give her our Mother's Day gift (a beautiful necklace) and then left her to sleep another hour while we made breakfast. After breakfast, we played with play-doh. Mom, once again proving that she is the perfect mom for me, made me a backhoe out of play-doh.

I really wanted to play with it.

Daddy made an entire train set in the time it took Mom to make the one backhoe, but whatever...hers was cooler.

Our fun project inspired us to get out of the house for a family outing to the trolley museum. We had the best time! We've been before a couple of times, but it was during the winter. It was a beautiful, breezy day today, and warm enough to ride on an open air trolley. Also, we stopped at the train yard and got to look at all the old trains and trolleys. It was amazing.

Here's the inside of our cool trolley. It was from the BRT (Brooklyn Rapid Transit) system from like 100 years ago.

I gave the man our ticket...

And we were off! If you can't tell, I'm saying "WOW!" here.

I said it was a breezy day!

Here we are in the train/trolley yard.

Little kittens (aka mouse catchers) who live in the train yard.

Cheeeeeeese! Hey, Mom! That's MY pretty smile!

On the trolley. Check out that stream of drool on my mouth. Poki is to trolleys as Homer is to donuts. Mmmmmmmm...trolleys...

Forget the breakfast and necklace. My real gift to Mom was allowing her to snuggle with me the whole ride back.

Here's some video from the ride. (Warning: Have the Dramamine ready.)

Finally, to top off our fantastic day, Daddy took us out to dinner for Thai food. It was super dooper delicious! Here's my first bite of chicken satay. I'm thinking about it...

Yep! I love it! And I liked Daddy's dinner and Mommy's dinner and their dessert...basically, I love Thai food!


Even Mom thought so!


Fleur said...

It looks like you guys had a blast. I love the photos of Carson's face while looking at the play-doh backhoe and saying "wow" as the trolley takes off. Classic!! I am excited to see your necklace.

Cheeky Baby said...

What a fun day you guys must have had! I'm so glad Andrei didn't have to work all day. And your pretty smile actually looks EXACTLY like Carson's pretty smile. And you thought you guys didn't look alike.