Saturday, May 2, 2009

24 Hour Zooms

Okay, be warned...this might be a boring post for most of you. But there is a point to all these long videos--I want to show you guys how much I am talking and what a crazy nut I am! It's getting really close to my second birthday and I can promise you, I get crazier with age.

Here is a video of my from dinner last night. It's just a little sampling of our typical dinnertime conversation.

This is a video from after dinner when I didn't want to slow down long enough to take a bath. Even Daddy got in on the action!

This one is truly crazy...and may be really boring for anyone other than my parents. See, they finally got me in bed about 8:30, but they could hear me talking and singing to myself (or my stuffed animals, who knows?) in my crib for a really long time. This video was taken at 9:30 at night. Mom carefully placed the camera on the floor by my bedroom door and let it film for 5 minutes. As you will be able to hear, I didn't stop for all 5 minutes. (And don't adjust your set--you're not supposed to be able to see anything...oh! And turn your volume up a bit.)

And finally, this morning. My mom mentioned to my dad that she wants to someday go to Legoland. I have no idea what that place is, but as you can see, I want to go too.


Cheeky Baby said...

Zoom zoom zooms!
I love how in the blast-off video he says "Uh oh" literally as he is throwing the toy. Then "I'll get it" as if no one should worry about who was going to retrieve it. Scarlett just broken up with for shredded cheese?

Tasha Kreutzer said...

I love to hear him talk! How cute! I totally understand now how a parent can take HOURS of video and find it entertaining. I hope we get to see each other sometime soon. Are you coming to JC this summer? We will be in May 29-31.