Monday, May 11, 2009

Scarlett's Birthday Party!

This Saturday was Scarlett's big birthday party! I have been talking about it for weeks and weeks! We had such a good time and now I'm super excited about my own party in just a month! Here are some pictures and videos from our fun afternoon of eating, drinking and being merry!

Whatcha got there, Scarlett's Nan? Any potato chips?...

...Cause I had my first chip today and I like them!

The birthday girl! I know, I pathetic of my mom to have only gotten one shot of her all day and she's got a big ol' cup in her face! We still had to post it though.

Lauren thought of everything! She had tons of activities for the kids, like playing golf...

and coloring with sidewalk chalk...

and bubbles, bubbles, and more bubbles!

Not to mention two things I had never done before: Hula hooping...

and hopscotch!

Thanks for inviting us, Scarlett! We had a great time celebrating with you!


Cheeky Baby said...

The videos crack me up! I remember thinking as I was walking by Andrei helping Carson hula hoop "man...where's Val?! She should be getting that on video. It's hilarious." And WERE there getting it on video.
We were so glad you guys could make it to the party! It DEFINITELY wouldn't have been a party without you. Thanks for helping us celebrate. We can't wait for Carson's party next month!!