Friday, September 17, 2010

6 Month Check-Up

I had my 6 month check-up today, which went pretty well...except that I had to have shots and Dr.Blanton said Mom should start letting me "cry it out." Just when I thought I really liked that guy...

For those of you who don't already know, I'm not a great sleeper. In fact, it's my one flaw. On average, I wake 4 times an hour for the first two hours of the night, then I wake every 1-2 hours after that until about 7:00am. Pretty bad, huh? Some nights are better than others, but this is pretty much the norm. We really thought this was caused by my acid reflux, but Dr. Blanton says he doesn't think so. See, I spend alot of time lying down. Tummy time is my favorite time, in fact. It's when I am happiest. So, logically, that must mean I don't feel pain every time I lie down; therefore, it is not pain that wakes me up all night. He thinks I just miss my mom. Thanks, Dr the jig is up.

Even though he doesn't think the reflux is waking me up all night, there is no question that I am still having issues with GERD, and issues that really should have started to improve by now. That's why Dr. B is referring me to a pediatric GI specialist. We'll keep you updated about that.

I know you're all dying to know, so here are my stats from today's visit:

Weight: 17 lbs 7 oz - 50th percentile
Height: 27 inches - 50th percentile
Head Circumference: 50th percentile
Cuteness: 99th percentile (off the charts)


caroline flanders said...

Definitely some tough sleep issues you are dealing with! My little guy is no angel baby but is not that bad. He is pretty inconsistent & has many nights of not sleeping more than 3 hours in a row. I can't easily predict what his waking schedule will be either. The good nights are when I get 4-5 hours in a row. It's amazing how good that feels! I would be getting plenty if I went to bed at 8pm... but that ain't happenin! I did "cry it out" with Jean around that age (even a little younger I think) to rid her of the 2AMish feeding and it worked after about 1 week. I want to do it with Oscar soon, but worry about him waking Jean up. He's pretty loud and has waken her up before, but she seems to sleep through most times when he wakes up first at nap time. Plus I still feel for the guy because he came out face first, brusied and with his neck cramped up. Good luck Val! Mom's are the strongest beings on earth.