Friday, September 3, 2010

Growing Pains

"Show me that smile again...Oooo, show me that smile...don't waste another minute on your crying..."

Yeah, the words "growing pains" used to make the theme song from a certain 1980's sitcom instantly play in my head too...until yesterday. Actually, it all started a couple of weeks ago when Poki came into our room in the middle of the night complaining that his leg hurt. I assumed his leg was asleep or something, and let him come into our bed for a minute. After a while, I asked if he was ready to go back to his room, but he said he didn't want to walk because his leg was still hurting. Andrei carried him back to bed and he was fine. Then yesterday, he woke up from his nap screaming. It look several minutes before he could say anything other than "it hurts!" between sobs. It was actually pretty scary. After about 15 minutes, he had finally calmed down enough to tell me what hurt. Again, it was his leg. We went to the doctor this morning and, much to my surprise, they said it was text book growing pains. I didn't know those were real! I guess this confirms that my little guy really is growing up.


Cheeky Baby said...

Aww Carson! Poor little guy! I hope his legs finish growing soon!

Pokolodi said...

Yeah...they said it would probably last until he's 13...

Fleur said...

I had no idea.

Anonymous said...

Sam had that a lot -- it worried us because of Tom's arthritis. There seems to be a correlation between weather (a front coming in) and the pain. I guess the change in pressure. Next time, try laying him on his tummy, grab his ankle and bend his leg so that his heel touches his bottom. Get him to relax and bounce his heel against his bum. It worked with Sam sometimes -- he'd go from screaming to asleep in 30 seconds. No idea why, but Tom said that helped him when he was a kid.