Saturday, September 4, 2010

Presenting...The Lego Fire Station!

Some of you might remember that, more than a year ago, I saw a Lego fire station in a catalog and my dad told me he would get it for me when I was officially potty-trained. We even tore the picture out of the catalog and hung it up on my bedroom wall. Well, after going #1 AND #2 in the potty for 4 weeks (with NO accidents!), he and Mom agreed it was time to follow through on the promise.

We bought it last Sunday and got to work on it immediately. Dad decided he was going to help direct me, but that I would put it all together myself. The first night, it took me 2 hours to put together the smallest engine (a little bigger than a matchbox car). Keep in mind, these are big kid legos (ages 5-12), not toddler-sized duplo, so they were tiny little pieces. The next night, we built the bigger engine, which took me far less time to finish. We've built a little every day this week (moving faster and faster each time), and this morning, we finally finished! And I built it ALL on my own! Daddy never actually touched a lego, he just supervised and helped keep me from getting frustrated.

Of course, since this project was really a year in the making, Mom had to document its completion. So, ta-da! I give you...(drum roll)...The Lego Fire Station!

You can enlarge the pictures by clicking on them, in case you want to see all the little details. It's pretty cool. The firemen all have accessories and there is even a little coffee pot in the kitchen.


Fleur said...

I'm not sure if I've ever seen Carson looking quite so thrilled. So great that he earned his legos and then built them himself! You must ALL be psyched!!

Cheeky Baby said...

He is literally beaming in every single one of these pictures! He's so proud!