My girlfriend Scarlett turned one-year-old on Sunday (the same day my Mom turned 23...and dyslexic, coincidentally) and she had a big party. It was so much fun! We had a great time and it got us really excited about my first birthday. Scarlett got some really amazing presents, but none as nice as the letter her mommy wrote her for the occasion (see here).
Here are some pictures from Scarlett's big day.
The Birthday Girl
Chasing Scarlett
Momma and Bubbaloo
Playing with the other kids
Opening presents
Watching Scarlett open presents
The cake!
Oh yes...the cake...
Scarlett enjoying her cake
And me enjoying Scarlett's cake
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Scarlett's Birthday Party
Posted by Pokolodi at 10:47 PM 1 comments
Here are some videos that I think are pretty cute. I just thought I would share.
I'm really learning alot about my body. You saw me point out my head and foot, but I've learned one more. I don't point though. Instead I do a little something you might find familiar.
I've also added a new noise. It's not a word exactly, but it's pretty adorable, if I do say so myself.
I also really like to do things that I see other people do. Sometimes those things are alot harder to do than they look!
And finally, here is a super-cute video of me laughing at Granny.
Posted by Pokolodi at 10:01 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Really Starting To Get It
I really am! And by "it," I mean smart kid stuff. Granny has taught me some new things in just the last couple of days. Check it out!
Posted by Pokolodi at 9:52 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Animal Lover
Well! I have begun saying another new word! I'm seriously on a roll! Just a couple of weeks ago, I started saying "kitty," but now I say kitty (dih-ee), Daddy (dah-ee or dah-dee), hi (high-ee) and yum yum (nyum nyum). And as of this week, I've added a new word to my repertoire. Watch the video below to find out what it is.
By the way, I also call Mom and Granny "Daddy," but I am really trying to say "Granny." Today I came very close. Who knows when I will decide to say the name of the woman who spends the most time with me! I mean, I say "ma ma" all the time, but I have yet to call her "mama" least that she knows of. In the meantime, she thinks it's pretty darn cute that I call her "Daddy."
Posted by Pokolodi at 10:52 PM 2 comments
Mystic Aquarium, Part Deux
The first time I went to the Mystic Aquarium, a little over a week ago, my Dad took a great video of me watching some colorful tropical fish. It was a great video...but he had the camera turned sideways, not realizing that the video would then be sideways. Today, I went back with Mom and Granny, and Mom took another video of me at the same fish tank. To tell the truth, I wasn't as interested this time, but it is still pretty good. I like to watch them move around and I really like to try to catch them.
Posted by Pokolodi at 10:40 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day! (and Happy 11 Months to Me!)
Today is my mom's first Mother's Day! It's also my 1 year minus 1 month birthday!
We've had a busy few days. Dad is out of town so Granny came to visit for a bit. Here I am picking her up at the airport. I had to meet her at baggage claim with the rest of the drivers, so I had to be sure she could spot me.
(Mom tried to get a picture of me holding my sign next to the other drivers with their signs, but they suspiciously kept moving out of the frame. Hmmmm...)
I've had lots of fun with Granny--and we're only getting started! She'll be here for a while, so check back for pictures of our adventures. In the meantime, here are some pictures from my Mom's first Mother's Day:
We woke up early this morning so I could take Mom and Granny out for breakfast. I ate bananas and toast. Boy, was I stuffed!
Then we went to church with Scarlett and her mom. I got to wear a very special outfit that my Grandpa Rolly's family got me when I was born. My mom has been waiting for me to be able to wear it, and now I can! Don't I look handsome? (I did have some cute white sandals on too, but I much prefer going barefoot).
I got to play in the nursery with Scarlett during the service.
After church, we all went home and took naps. That was probably the best part of the day, to be honest. When we woke up, we walked up to the park and I got to swing. Swinging used to be my favorite thing, but I've gotta tell gets old pretty quick.
Happy Mother's Day to all the other mamas in my life: Babushka, Babi, Mimi, Aunt La La, Aunt Kate, Lauren, Marna, Lois...and many, many more! I love you ladies!
Posted by Pokolodi at 11:10 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
More Cleaning House
I LOVE the vacuum. In fact, if anyone out there knows a little boy who has a birthday coming up in...oh...I don't know...4 weeks and 6 days, I bet he might really like a toy vacuum.
Here I am helping Mom--sorry it is s dark. It was right before bedtime and in a very dark hallway.
Posted by Pokolodi at 9:41 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Mystic Aquarium and Other Cool Stuff
We had a big day yesterday! My folks and I went to the Mystic Aquarium with Scarlett and her folks. We had so much fun! I love the aquarium. I think we will be going back a few times this summer.
They have fancy schmancy whales there--my mom said they are called Beluga whales. Whatever they are called, I just know they are really cool.
They also have penguins, which I wasn't as interested in, until we went to the part where you can see them swimming. I loved that part. But when they were just hanging out on their rocks, I was more interested in hugging Mom.
And Scarlett was more interested in Mom's camera.
Now these were my favorite part! Sea lions! They are really funny!
Here I am looking at the silver fish. They were cool too.
Scarlett and I thought they were romantic. It reminded us of our date in the jellyfish room at the maritime aquarium when I pulled her hair and tried to kiss her.
And here I am with Dad trying to catch fish in a little fish tank. Mom was standing on the other side.
Back to my favorite part: The Sea lions! Not only did they hang out on rocks and swim around--they also put on a show! I seriously loved it. I was a little restless while we were waiting for the show to begin, which worried Mom a little, but then it started and I was hooked. I loved it. Man, did I ever!
This is what I did for the entire show. I couldn't take my eyes off them.
After the show, we went to the gift shop, where I was attacked by Jaws. He stole my shoe.
After we escaped Jaws, we went inside the store, where I got to try on sunglasses. What up, ladies? How you doin'?
After the aquarium, we went home. I decided that since my parents treated me to such a fun day, I ought to treat them to something special too. My daddy's going away for 3 whole weeks, so I decided to say his name so he would be sure to remember me while he's gone.
And for my mom, I clapped my hands. She was beginning to wonder if I would ever clap my hands. Now she can obsess about something else I'm not doing.
Posted by Pokolodi at 11:03 AM 2 comments
Friday, May 2, 2008
Splish! Splash! I Was Standing In The Bath!
Now that I am no longer in a bath seat, bath time has become such a dangerous thing that Mom can't even be in the room when Dad's bathing me. He lets me stand up and walk around in the tub. When Mom bathes me, she constantly puts me back on my bottom whenever I stand up. I have a really good bath mat (Thanks, Marna!) which keeps me from slipping, but Mom is still terrified. Tonight, she held her breath and came in to hang out with me and Dad. Of course, she brought the camera along.
Here I am enjoying my favorite bath time activity: sucking water out of a washcloth.
Mmmmmmm...waaash cloooth...
Here I am flashing my baby blues...
...and flashing a mischievous grin right before I tried (and almost succeeded) to climb out of the bath--and right before Mom declared (in a very panicked voice) that it was time to get out of the tub.
Posted by Pokolodi at 9:05 PM 1 comments
Earnin' My Keep!
I really like when Mom cleans the house. I always have. (You would think that would mean our house is always clean right? Ha!) I especially like when Mom cleans the floors, and now that I'm walking, she let's me help her!
Finally Mom wised up and made the swifter Poki-sized..
Yep! I think the floors will be much cleaner from now on.
Posted by Pokolodi at 4:52 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Told Ya!
I've got the skills to pay the bills, people. Okay, so maybe I won't be paying any bills with this skill, but I think it's still pretty good for a baby.
Posted by Pokolodi at 6:14 PM 1 comments