Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Animal Lover

Well! I have begun saying another new word! I'm seriously on a roll! Just a couple of weeks ago, I started saying "kitty," but now I say kitty (dih-ee), Daddy (dah-ee or dah-dee), hi (high-ee) and yum yum (nyum nyum). And as of this week, I've added a new word to my repertoire. Watch the video below to find out what it is.

By the way, I also call Mom and Granny "Daddy," but I am really trying to say "Granny." Today I came very close. Who knows when I will decide to say the name of the woman who spends the most time with me! I mean, I say "ma ma" all the time, but I have yet to call her "mama" least that she knows of. In the meantime, she thinks it's pretty darn cute that I call her "Daddy."


Cheeky Baby said... you should totally bring Carson back to Beardsley so he can add every animal they have there to his rapidly expanding vocabulary. At the rate he's going I bet he could do it too!

On a side note...Scarlett isn't saying "yum yum" yet - but if she eats something she likes she just goes "MMmmmm." It's hilarious. Joe and I, of course, repeat it back to her so dinners have gotten, loud recently.

Anonymous said...

I love that Carson has the same shoes as Uncle Tom--just a bit smaller, of course.