Monday, May 5, 2008

Mystic Aquarium and Other Cool Stuff

We had a big day yesterday! My folks and I went to the Mystic Aquarium with Scarlett and her folks. We had so much fun! I love the aquarium. I think we will be going back a few times this summer.

They have fancy schmancy whales there--my mom said they are called Beluga whales. Whatever they are called, I just know they are really cool.

They also have penguins, which I wasn't as interested in, until we went to the part where you can see them swimming. I loved that part. But when they were just hanging out on their rocks, I was more interested in hugging Mom.

And Scarlett was more interested in Mom's camera.

Now these were my favorite part! Sea lions! They are really funny!

Here I am looking at the silver fish. They were cool too.

Scarlett and I thought they were romantic. It reminded us of our date in the jellyfish room at the maritime aquarium when I pulled her hair and tried to kiss her.

And here I am with Dad trying to catch fish in a little fish tank. Mom was standing on the other side.

Back to my favorite part: The Sea lions! Not only did they hang out on rocks and swim around--they also put on a show! I seriously loved it. I was a little restless while we were waiting for the show to begin, which worried Mom a little, but then it started and I was hooked. I loved it. Man, did I ever!

This is what I did for the entire show. I couldn't take my eyes off them.

After the show, we went to the gift shop, where I was attacked by Jaws. He stole my shoe.

After we escaped Jaws, we went inside the store, where I got to try on sunglasses. What up, ladies? How you doin'?

After the aquarium, we went home. I decided that since my parents treated me to such a fun day, I ought to treat them to something special too. My daddy's going away for 3 whole weeks, so I decided to say his name so he would be sure to remember me while he's gone.

And for my mom, I clapped my hands. She was beginning to wonder if I would ever clap my hands. Now she can obsess about something else I'm not doing.


Cheeky Baby said...

Yay clapping! And yay "daddy!" I hear ya on the obsessing thing. I'm currently obsessing over why Scarlett would not sit still for the sea lion show (or any show for that matter)...and why all of a sudden I see nothing but Dorothy Hamill when I look at her.

Penelope said...

A big day! Carson your just flying into the big birthday. And to Scarlett - Penelope would not sit still for the Sea Lion show either. We left almost right after we sat down. Girls!