Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Like Summer!

After fearing for months that it might never be warm again, we've had the most wonderful weather lately. Warm enough, believe it or not, for swimming! This morning, we went over to Will's house for a little post-birthday playdate with Will and Nate. Nate brought over his kiddie pool, which was pretty much the best idea EVER!

Just look at this backyard! How could you not have an awesome time in a beautiful yard like this!

We had a great time playing on Will's play set

and had fun helping Will open his presents.

I got him this golf set, which promptly turned into "water golf"...whatever that is.

I also brought along my new t-ball set--but Nate doesn't need the T. He is a great pitcher, actually, and he threw the ball to his mom for much of the morning.

The best part of the morning for our moms (besides their getting to visit with each other) was seeing their cute little boys in swim trunks and beach hats. Come on! How cute are we?

Will and I spent alot of time at the snack table--we're busy working on our summertime abs.

Remember that pool I mentioned before? Well, it was a big hit! We had a blast splashing around in it.

Yay for warm weather and good friends! This is going to be a great summer!


Cheeky Baby said...

Oh...little boys in swim trunks! They all look so cute! Scarlett would have looked out of place in her adorable little one piece bathing suit. I'm glad that I was sitting behind a desk all day and she was stuck inside at daycare. (Sigh.) Yay impending summer!