Tuesday, March 17, 2009

First Sentence!

Today I said my first real, articulate sentence. I mean, I've sort of been saying sentences for a few weeks now, but not like this. I've said things like "More milk, please" or "Put on Carson's shoe." I've also murmured the beginning of a sentence and then chimed in with the rest clearly, like "Ada ada garbage truck outside!" But nothing like this. Today's sentence had a subject, contraction, verb, article and direct object. My mom couldn't believe her ears and is still kicking herself for not having a 24 hours surveillance camera on me to record my every milestone. At the time she thought it would be kind of creepy and an invasion of my privacy, which would eventually scar me for life. But now she's thinking it was a dang good idea. Oh well...

Anyway, I'm guessing that you guys would like to know what this spectacular sentence was?'s a little bizarre, but not really surprising if you know me.

Today during lunch, I was munching on some pears when I spotted the salt shaker on the other end of the table. I reached for it, but it was too far so I said to Mom: "Ah! Ah! Mommy! I can't reach the pepper!" Okay, so maybe it was salt and not pepper--and maybe pepper (or salt) on pears sounds really disgusting, but who cares? I said a real sentence!

Yay Me!


Cheeky Baby said...

Yay!! Well said, Carson. Well said.

You know what this means? Our kids are going to be talking to each other very, very soon. And we are going to be cracking up at what they say to each other very, very soon. I can't wait till Carson corrects Scarlett and informs her that that is not, in fact, a choo-choo, but an excavator.