Monday, June 15, 2009

2 Year Checkup

I went to see Dr. Blanton today for my 2 year checkup. As usual, I passed all his tests with flying colors!

Surprisingly, I've actually lost a bit of weight since my last weigh-in. I only weigh 29.5 pounds! I mean, that's still pretty big, but not as much as my mom thought! Also, I am 35 inches tall. If we follow the rule of doubling the height at age 2, then I will be 5' 10" when I'm full-grown. However, if we follow the other rule of adding 2 inches to that estimated height for a boy, I'll be 6 feet tall. So...check back in about 16 years to see if that prediction comes true.

Today was the first time that my mom could tell Dr. Blanton was really studying me. He asked me a bunch of questions, like who my friends are and what color the toy I was playing with was. Mom told him about how much I talk and what I like to eat and what I usually do every day. She also told him I can count to fifteen. Just to prove her wrong, I counted to twenty.

After my visit with Dr. Blanton, the nurse came in to give me a shot. Mom told me it would be just like when I give her a shot when I play with my doctor's kit. She said it would be fast and I would say "ouch!" just like she does. So when the nurse gave me my shot, I was perfectly still and didn't make a sound. Then when she was done, I said, "ouch!" Mom and the nurse thought that was pretty funny. They also thought it was pretty amazing how tough I am. They couldn't believe I didn't cry. Whatever. I'm two now. I'm not a baby anymore.

I don't have any pictures from my visit to the doctor's office, but I do have some pictures of me opening my presents on my birthday. Here they are!

And here I am enjoying my birthday ice cream cone. Mom saved the cake for my party.