Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Potty Chart

Save me from my mom's potty training boot camp!!! She's come up with this crazy chart with stickers and prizes. She's lost her mind! I like my diapers! I could walk around all day with poop in my pants! I don't want to use the potty! She has this crazy idea that everyone uses the potty at some point in his/her life. I have no idea who's been feeding her that bag of lies, but I'm not going to do it! And no chart with stickers is going to change my mind.

She made this thing as a "reward system"--whatever that means. She said when I sit on the potty, I can get a polka-dot sticker on my chart, and when I actually do something while sitting on the potty, I can get a race car sticker and a M&M. Then, when I have 10 stickers on my chart, I get a prize. She's not fooling me. I know what these "prizes" are. They're some little books or puzzles from the Target dollar bin. Big deal.

...but those race car stickers are awfully cool...


Cheeky Baby said...

Oh man. Are you going full-in or just testing the waters a bit? Good luck! Keep me posted.
Scarlett changes classrooms at daycare in a few months and the next room has potty sessions so I'm waiting till then. Wimpy...I know. It's the only excuse I've got for waiting. Sigh.