Friday, November 16, 2007

The Truth Comes Out

Okay, people! Here's the deal. All of my friends, family and fans comment on how great my videos are and how happy a baby I seem, but they don't really see what goes on behind the lens. If you want to know the truth, my contentment all depends on one woman acting like an idiot. My mom is a fool. Many of you can hear her craziness (which, at times, she regrets sharing with you) on my videos, but you really have no idea. The thing is, the bigger idiot she makes of herself, the happier I am! And now I think I have created a monster. I mean, the songs alone! Oh gees! She has a ridiculous song for everything--and I love them! There's the poop song ("Poopie Poop" sung to the Spiderman theme), there's the toot song ("Tootie Fruity From The Booty" sung to the tune of the Little Richard classic), there's the Pokolodi Theme (sung to the tune of "Rubber Ducky") and many, many more. My new favorite is the one she sings during our exercise time. It's called "Kicky La Rue," and it is an original composition, inspired by an Irish Jig. It goes like this:

Kicky La Rue has one red shoe!
Now what in the world will Kicky do?
He kicked so much he lost his shoe!
Oh poor little Kicky La Rue!

Man do I love it. I just stare at her with a goofy grin and kick my legs along to the music.

That's just a little taste of the behind the scenes action here at Poki's house. Shameful, right? My poor dorky mom...oh but she loves having the excuse.