Monday, January 14, 2008

Really Trying To Talk and Teethe! And Some Other News.

I haven't said much other than "hoo" since I was born, but I sure do blow alot of raspberries. Today, however, I decided to stop holding back. This morning, I spent a good deal of time saying the following phrase: "eh da do ta." Then, in the midst of a whispered round of "ta ta ta ta ta ta ta," I let out a big "wow wow wow boo rooo kaaaa!" Finally, I asked for some brie. Well, I began to babble something that sounded remarkably like "bree." You may wonder where the video is, documenting my new-found talent. Well, my mom tried, but every time I saw the camera, I clammed up. You'll just have to take my word for it until she gets some proof.

In addition, I should have a tooth any day now. I have a bump on my lower gum that clicks when my mom taps it with a spoon. It seems to be getting bigger by the day, so hopefully it will pop out this week!

In other late-breaking adorable news, my kitty Max and I are now very good friends. In fact, since we returned from Tennessee, I have realized just how hilarious my kitties are. Every time they walk by, I laugh really loud. They're funny, what can I say? Today, as I was playing on my blanket with my toys, Max ran over to his kitty bed and grabbed a cat toy that my mom swears he has never even sniffed, then he ran back over to my blanket, dropped the toy and plopped down right next to me. I was so moved by this obvious peace offering that I immediately grabbed the biggest handful of fur (and probably skin) that I could. My mom dived across the blanket to free Max from my death grip, because Max has been known to nip a little from time to time. Luckily for me, he somehow understands that I am a baby and I didn't mean to hurt him. So, now I guess we are friends. I'm so glad because he makes me laugh and laugh.

I have no new pictures from today, so instead I will remind you of what I looked like just 7 short months ago. Oh how time flies...

To put things in even greater perspective, here is a picture of me in my baby bjorn for the first time. It is now on the largest setting. No sausage legs here! (Please excuse my mother's appearance...she had just given birth a few days before).


Cheeky Baby said...

I can not wait to get these munchkins together! Hopefully Carson will share his new repertoire of babbles. Scarlett hasn't gotten past "dada" yet. And let me tell you, "Dada" is getting pretty old. Maybe he can whisper sweet "ta ta ta"'s in Scarlett's ear. Oh...and how cute is the baby bjorn picture?! Aw...those tiny baby days. :) I could cry just thinking about them.