Monday, February 11, 2008


Today is my 2/3 birthday. I celebrated by sleeping in until 9:00 am ...but I also woke up 3 times last night. The first time I woke up, it took my mom a long time to get me back to sleep. We all have colds in my house, so Mom was afraid I was feeling sick. Finally, she got me back to sleep and she went back to bed herself. She crawled into bed and looked over at the clock and guess what time it was? 1:11 am! The exact time that I was born. I really just wanted to keep Mom awake long enough for her think about me at that time. So she started thinking about 8 months ago, when I was a tiny baby and first came into the world. She really should have known I would be a strong little monkey even then, because when I was first born, the nurse put me on Mom's chest and I lifted my head, turned to look at Mom, turned back and gently placed my head back on her chest. I've always been super strong. Mom had a very nice time remembering all those things about my birth...and then I woke up again.

This morning, I played in the playpen and watched Mom fix me a late breakfast.
"A" is for Ate Months! ...What? It's spelled with an "E"...? Well, that doesn't make any sense.

Then, after my breakfast, I got a birthday cookie...which I looked at, and then promptly threw on the floor. Babies should not have cookies for breakfast.

Then I played for a little while, but I was already so worn out that I just went to sleep.
How cute am I with my little booty stuck up in the air?

All this before noon! I wonder what the rest of my 2/3 birthday will be like...


Cheeky Baby said...

Yay Poki! Happy 8 month birthday! Scarlett said being 8 months is a lot of fun. She also said she is sorry she gave you (and it sounds like your entire family) her cold. She hopes you (and they) still love her. Have a great rest of the day! We hope to see you very soon!