Monday, February 25, 2008

Just The Beginning...

In an effort to better refine my palate, my mom thought she would move outside of the narrow Gerber box and make me some baby food herself. Good idea, right? Well, last night, she made me some avocado and some black beans. "Baby Mexican," she called it. Maybe it needed some salsa and sour cream because I didn't like it very much. The avocado was okay at first, but after a couple of bites I refused to eat anymore. So she moved on to the beans. Oh man. That stuff really gave my gag reflex a workout! Mom got it all on video, but she isn't going to post it because it makes her too sad. Plus, she is embarrassed because you can hear her whining: "My cooking isn't that bad!" Face it, Mom...this is just the beginning of a lifetime of my refusing to eat the food you slaved over. Just wait until I can talk and you get the "I don't wanna eat this!" whine.

I don't have any photos of the "Baby Mexican" incident, but I do have some silly pictures of me pretending to be a dog and carrying my socks around in my mouth.
Yes, I will eat socks, but I won't eat my Mom's homemade baby food. What does that tell you?


Penelope said...

Carson - keep trying avocado - it's yummy. But, the beans - I don't know what your mom was thinking...

Cheeky Baby said...

Scarlett had Boston Market mashed and sweet potatoes on Sunday. Wow, I'm a good mom. :) She has yet to encounter my cooking. I might hold off for a few more weeks until you've gotten the cooking baby food thing down. Then I'll harass you for advice. You do have to share your sock recipe though. That one seemed to go over well.

Pokolodi said...

Sadly, the socks are store bought. Not that I really "cooked" anything. Like an idiot, I bought a baby food cookbook. Guess what it says...get some food and blend it up until it is smooth. Voila! Amazing, huh. That was $12 well-spent.