Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Another Beautiful Day

Today was another gorgeous day in New Haven! Mom and I took a nice, long walk...when I spent most of the time yelling at dogs. Not in a mean way--I love dogs. I was just trying to get their attention. After our walk, Mom and I played in the yard. Mom thought that I looked so sweet and peaceful sitting amongst the grass and flowers that she took some pictures.

And then I remembered that I am Poki, and Poki is not supposed to be sweet and peaceful! At least not for too long a stretch!

Now how do I get this thing off?!


Cheeky Baby said...

You already got the flower pictures?! What the heck are we going to take pictures of at the daffodil festival - Scarlett and Carson eating corndogs?!

Scarlett doesn't like hats either, turns out.

Penelope said...

Love the outdoor pics - and the cool green shirt. Can't believe we are missing all the good weather but the weather is pretty good here too...

OodRebellion said...

Oh my goodness, these pictures are adorable. We should hang out more often! Hugs to you guys and the kitties :)