Friday, April 18, 2008

Pretty Days-- Finally!

We've had a really nice week here in New Haven, and I took full advantage! Mom and I went for long walks every day, and we played in the park and in our yard. Here I am playing in our front yard. I discovered grass and I really like it!

I discovered something else that I love, but my mom doesn't want me to play with it because it's "dirty." Whatever that means. It's fun--why can't I rub my hands all over it and then try to put it in my mouth? I don't get it. As usual, my mom had the camera attached to her hand, so she was able to capture my initial discovery on film.

These pictures were taken today. It was a beautiful, sunny, 76 degree day! How much better does it get, people? These are taken right as Mom and I were headed out for a walk...and right after she smeared me down with my very first sunscreen...and right before I had an allergic reaction to the sunscreen. Yep, it's true. The right side of my face got all red and blotchy--but don't worry--I am fine. Mom tossed me in the tub and scrubbed me down. I was back to normal in no time. When my mom looked at these pictures later, she wondered if the signs weren't beginning to show.


Penelope said...

Great to see you while we are in FL. It was a nice day here too.

Cheeky Baby said...

Look at Carson in his little polo shirt! Handsome fella! We wish we were with you guys during all this nice weather! (grumble grumble) I'm so happy it's warming up outside. Summer here we come!!

Cheeky Baby said...

I just showed Joe this post...his comment on picture #2 - "that's a GQ shot right there." Thought you should know.