Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Motor Skills, Activate!

Okay, so it might not seem as cool to you guys as the talents of the Wonder Twins, but to my Mom, it's amazing. In the last couple of weeks, I have suddenly discovered how many of my more complicated toys work. For example, I can sort the rings on my ring stacker. Oddly enough, I usually do it in size order, with the exception of the middle, purple ring. I just don't like that one. I usually throw it across the room and move on to the second smallest blue ring.

I have also discovered how to put my square and circle blocks into the shape sorter that my cousin Tully got me for Christmas. Until now, I thought those blocks were made for chewing on, but it ends up, they actually fit into the holes. I can't quite get the triangle one, but I always get the circle and I sometimes get the square.

You may be wondering why I am telling you this instead of just showing you in a video. Well, truth be told, my Mom has tried desperately to catch these amazing feats on video-- but the minute she picks up the camera, I'm like: Oh look! Shiny thing with buttons! And then it's all over.

She did, however, get one of my new tricks on film today. All you regular Poki-vision viewers know that I have been a little...umm...let's say resistant during meal times. My mom now has to distract me with things to play with while she sneaks spoonfuls into my mouth. One of my favorite things to play with are my colorful plastic cups. See for yourself:

Hopefully you'll get to see my other skills soon. I'll try not to be so easily distracted.


Cheeky Baby said...

I love how his eyebrows raise the second time he stacks the he's thinking "well hey, look at that. I CAN undo it and do it again."