Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pippi and Poki, Together Again

Just when I thought I might never see my older and wiser friend Pippi again, I see her twice in one week! She and her parents helped celebrate my daddy's birthday last week by joining us for dinner, and then today, she was at the super cool festival that Mom and Granny took me to. And believe it or not, to top it all off, we ran into her again at Ikea later in the day! We all sat together in the ultra swank Ikea Cafeteria and chowed down on some Swedish meatballs and french fries (or as Pippi calls them, "Frenchie Fries").

Truth be told, as hilarious as my friend Pippi is (with the greatest smile a kid can have, let's be honest), I still couldn't resist doing this every time she opened her mouth! ...and even when she didn't open her mouth. It's kind of my thing lately. What can I say?

You know, I'm not sure Pippi has even made an appearance on Poki's Blog since January ! Could that be?


Penelope said...

You are sneaky...where did that video come from? I think the age gap may be closing by the day. Watchout - Carson might be asking Penelope out on a date soon.

Cheeky Baby said...

We missed Pippi AND Ikea?! Wah!