Tuesday, March 11, 2008


That's right, people--I'm 3/4 of a year old. Can you believe it?

Usually my mom posts a birthday picture of me, but today we decided to show you some old pictures instead. Here are some pictures of me during my first few days in the world. (You can click on them to make them bigger). It seems like a lifetime ago to me, but to my mom, it was just yesterday.

Here is a picture of me and Mom doing our favorite activity back when I was still living in her belly: napping.

Here I am just minutes after being born. Want to hear something really cheesy? My mom can't believe it has already been 9 months since she first held me, but at the same time, she can't remember not holding me. Weird huh? She loves me.

Here I am snuggling with my Mom in the hospital. That was a pretty freaky time for me, so I was a little clingy with my mom. Look, what baby isn't?

Snuggling with mom again. I think I fell asleep every time she nursed me.

Yep. I definitely did. And sometimes I got a little milk drunk, like here. That must have been one good feeding. It looks like I lost a sock! Check out my little frog legs! No sausage legs there--anyone remember when those appeared?

And finally, here I am in what was supposed to be my birth announcement photo. Mom and Daddy never actually got around to doing those. They were going to design them and make them like they did their wedding invitations--it's kind of their thing...and then they remembered that they had a new baby and no free time. So you guys can see it now!

So that's it! Some never-before-seen Poki pics. Looking back, I was pretty funny looking in the beginning. And I was so cocky! I thought I was so cute! If only the newborn me could see the 9 month old me--then he would know what cute is!


Penelope said...

Happy Birthday Carson. You've been out longer than you've been in - that's a milestone!

Cheeky Baby said...

Yay...happy birthday! Oh the little monkey you've become.