Monday, March 24, 2008

Granny Baby Camp

Finally, I can tell you about my visit to Tennessee. There is so much to cover!

First of all, I went on a plane again. I love flying! Here I am in my very own seat, which I only got to sit in before the plane took off. Once we started moving, Daddy held me.

Another great thing about flying is that my mom lets me drink juice! I don't normally get to drink juice, so this is a real treat for me.

I called this visit Granny Baby Camp because I wasn't the only baby there. Nope--my cousin Tully was there too. He's only 6 weeks younger than I am, so we have fun together.

Everyone loves Tully because he is always smiling and laughing. He's a sweet baby...

But sometimes I forget that 6 weeks is a bigger age difference than you might think. I was sometimes a little pushy. Like when I took over the exersaucer... (Sorry--that video is too big. Mom's trying to make it smaller.)

And when I kept crushing cereal puffs on Tully's head...

Speaking of Tully's head, my granny says that Tully looks just like Uncle Preston (he's also Tully's uncle) when he was a baby. Tully is the opposite of me--he's long and lanky, while I am a tubby little sausage boy. Tully also has a big noggin, while my head circumference stayed in the 30th percentile for quite a while. I didn't really believe Granny that Tully looked like Uncle Preston until I saw this picture of the two of them. They definitely have the same head!

Tully and I did just about everything together. We ate together...

Picked flowers together...

Played on Granny's big bed together...

And I taught Tully how to give Granny good lovins!

And Tully let me play with his pacifier, which I hadn't shown any interest in since I was like 3 months old! Go figure...

But Tully is not the only cousin I got to see. I also spent a few days with my big cousin Sam. I love Sam. He's going to teach me how to be a good ninja when I grow up. Here's Sam, flashing his famous grin.

And here he is pretending to be a knight. He's really clever. He put on a Burger King crown upside down and said: Look, I'm a knight! Isn't that smart? I never would have thought of that. I have alot to learn from Sam.

Also when I was in Tennessee, I got to play with doggies at Granddaddy and Mimi's house.

I also got to see my cousin Dru and my Aunt Donna and Uncle Matt. They are going to have a baby this summer!

You all know that I walked for the first time this week, but did you know that I also went on a swing for the first time? I did! And it was so fun!

The swing wasn't exactly a baby swing, so Mom had to hold onto me. In this video, I sat in Mom's lap and got to swing higher. I loved it!

After swinging at the playground, I went back to Granny's house and tried to find something to swing on. All I could find was this baby rocking chair, but it did the trick!

When we were at the airport, getting ready to fly home, I decided to leave my friend Tully a little present. You all know Horsey. Well, Tully loved Horsey. In fact, I think he liked him more than I did, so I gave him to Tully. Frankly, I have been spending alot of time throwing Horsey on the floor and Horsey deserves to be with a baby that adores him, and Tully certainly does. Don't you think that was very big of me? Here is Tully giving Horsey some much deserved love.

And finally, here we are after our fun week together: The lady killer and his wing man. Seriously, people, how cute are we?

I'm missing a ton of stuff, but this should tide you over for awhile! I'm a little out of breath from dictating all this to my mom!

More Poki very soon--like my Easter fun!


Cheeky Baby said...

And to think that Scarlett was just sitting at home, waiting for Carson to call and he was off riding in airplanes (again) and playing with other babies. We certainly missed our Carson. In fact, this last week prooved that we barely know what to do, or how to entertain ourselves without him. Oh...and all the stuff you did this last week looked really fun. We're not at all jealous that you had fun...not at all.