Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Message For Animal Lovers

Mom and I took Leroy to the vet today. I really liked it because I got to see lots of animals. I even saw a kind of animal that I have never seen before: fish. They have a big fish tank filled with brightly colored fish, and one of them was staring right at me. I think he liked me. Most animals do. But do you know who didn't seem to like me? Any of the people there. Normally, whenever I make any kind of public appearance, be it a trip to Target or a walk around the 'hood, everyone loves me. People stop me just to say hi and tell me how cute I am. And when I flash them a Poki smile, they seriously melt. Basically what I am saying is I'm a lovable kind of guy. Well this place was full of animal lovers--but not just any kind of animal lover--the kind that ignore babies and coo over Leroy. Leroy! Can you believe that? I mean, I love Leroy, but come on! Next to me he's just a little fur ball! I was there for almost an hour and no one even said hello to me! Okay, maybe I am going overboard here. I do love Leroy--I love all animals. I really, really do. In fact, an animal can't get within 10 feet of me without my squealing in delight. All I'm saying is, animal lovers can be baby lovers too. I'm an animal lover and a baby lover. It's not hard. In fact, I love alot of things. I love kitties, doggies, fish, dust bunnies, cereal puffs, Mom's hair, stroller wheels, truck wheels...the list goes on. So open your hearts, animal lovers, and make some room for Poki!


Cheeky Baby said...

People not love, or even pay attention to Poki?! You should change vets. I would. The heartless buggers. (You forgot to add my diaper bag straps to the list of Poki loves...and metal buckets) Do you want to go to the Maritime Center soon? They've got lots o' fish.