Monday, October 20, 2008

Stepping Stones!

This Saturday, my parents and I met Scarlett and her folks at a nearby children's museum: Stepping Stones. It was so much fun!

They had a really cool water room, which they told us to go to last, but we couldn't resist starting there!

They had fun costumes too. I really got into character here--I'm trying to fly away!

They had this super cool mechanical thing-a-ma-jig. I LOVED it. Harwell family, who does this remind you of?

I also got to pretend to be an EMT...

And a fireman! (Their uniforms have really fun sleeves.)

Then Scarlett and I got to ride a big kid bike.

Some of us were more responsible than others (note the helmet).

We also listened to a story read by a woman with the thickest accent from who-knows-where (it was that thick). She was very fun and sweet though, and Scarlett and I listened like two little...what listens well? Like two well-formed and patient ears. (I know, I know...that's the best I could come up with?!)

Finally, we went to an awesome playground that was right next door to the museum. This was the coolest playground I've ever seen. Scarlett and I each got hurt like 4 times!

And, as is often the case on these double-family-outings, I fell asleep before we even left the parking lot (snack still in hand).

I forgot to post this video of Scarlett and me, along with our daddies, on TV. I think it is obvious that my dad had more fun than anyone else doing this!


Cheeky Baby said...

Yay! We had so much fun. That park was awesome - I mean come on, what other park has stripper poles in it?!