Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Cutest Thing I Do These Days

You guys all saw the video of me at the Peabody where my mom would ask what a dinosaur says, she would roar, then I would roar. (See here ). Well the next day, she asked what a dinosaur says, and I told her without being prompted. She loves when I do it. Everyone does. It's pretty cute.

Last weekend, when we went to Dinosaur Crossing (see here ), I made my dinosaur sounds the entire time. My parents thought that was sort of strange, because I have never really seen a dinosaur like that before--just the bones or a stuffed animal version. Somehow I still knew what they were. Go figure. Anyway, I roared all day without even being asked. Again, everyone thought I was adorable...even though they all thought I was a girl--but that's another story.

That brings us to this week. For a while now, when my mom changes my diaper, she gives me something to play with, otherwise I try to fly off the changing table. This week, she started giving me a wooden dinosaur to play with. (Mommy Note: It's not really a dinosaur--but it is another giant reptilian creature, and I don't have the heart to correct Poki). As soon as she handed it to me, I roared like a dinosaur. Mom had to get it on film, but by the time she got Dad to come watch me while she found the camera, I was sort of over it--so she had to ask. And I was more than happy to oblige.


Cheeky Baby said...

Man...he has got that noise down! If I were you, I'd be contemplating replacing the dream of Poki becoming an international baby model with Poki becoming the next Larvell Jones in "Police Academy 8: This time they're Jurassic."